Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lesson No. 2

Toy Discipline Lesson No. 2

Notice how I keep moving to disorient the toy (in this case my littlest human brother's shoe...she how it lights up when I shake it?)

I've also sped up the neck breaking action. Let me tell you that that shoe would never even think of pulling a fast one. No monkey business here! And I disorientated Lily too! BONUS!



Fu Fu said...

Max, you're so clever. You even manage to get Lily blur too.

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

Maxey, that certainly sounded like a FULL house!! I also saw that you were really helping Lilly getting in her cage...hehe. Hey, that's so cool the shoe lighted up, I guess that was his way of letting you know you were doing the right thing!! You sure are an "shoe-breaking" expert!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Jay said...

Wow... even I got blur! Way to go, Maxi!
