Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I haven't had much computer time (since I need Mom to turn it on), we've been dealing with renovations. Check out the holes in the kitchen ceiling!

There have been men in the house working on the upstairs bathroom every day for a week! It isn't all bad since Mom often let me stay out when everyone else was locked up in her bedroom or a cage. Ah peace and quiet, well sort of.

Mom was kinda cranky though since the toilet was leaking into the kitchen AFTER they had redone the plumbing. She also went a whole 4 days without a shower (thank goodness for the gym!). My human brothers were taking baths in the kitchen sink. One night Wookie waited in line for a bath and he got one too. He is sooo wierd. Mom thought it was funny.

So anyway, now that the plumbing is done, they are coming back to fix the ceiling (at least that is what Mom hopes). But the bathroom is still torn up because Mom is scraping glue off the walls and then she is going to paper and paint. I guess I really don't care because there is now vinyl in the bathroom instead of carpet, so I won't go in there. I don't like walking on anything but carpet. Makes it hard to get around these days.



wally said...

Shoot! That looks awful! I hope they got it fixed up finally. I've never taken a sink-bath and I hope I never have to.


Fu Fu said...

Woh.. what happened to your wall? Did you discipline it Max?

Hope the repair men fixed it all up soon. hee Wookie is so funny.

~ fufu

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Nothing like a good repair man around to intimidate.

Bussie Kissies