Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hey Boomer!!!

Hey Hot Stuff!!
Fanny and I wanted to try and distract you from the "in-laws" whatever they are. So we posed for a glamour shot. Smooches!

We hope you are impressed! - love Evie and Fanny

PS. Maxey is still pouting in his cage, which is silly Mom isn't THAT hurt, just stressed out.


Anonymous said...

Ooh lala! Just like looking through poochie girlie magazines! (I read the articles)

Bussie Kissies

Fu Fu said...

Evie, You are a very cute doggie. Please ask Max to come back to blog. We miss him...

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

Grrrrr ... bow wow WOW ...

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Ohhhh - that's a pretty racey pic there !

We mix you Maxey - hope you are back soon !


Anonymous said...

Hubba hubba! I'm turning circles with joy! Those glamour shots are better than the ones you see at the mall!
