Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A walk in the woods...

Today is Wednesday!! and that means running wild in the woods. Mom takes us up to her friends house. She has 20 acres of land to walk on in the country.

The air was cool and bracing! It would be heaven except for Stella, the resident terrorist/lam mix. You can see her in one of the pictures. She is the black blur about to jump on Evie. Evie is her favorite target, she pulls the fur on Evie's face.

Still it is a nice walk, even if Lily gets lazy along the way.


Ivy said...

20 acres!? how ultra cool!! you are so lucky to get to run wild in the woods. every time my peepol take me to the woods they are all crazy about staying on the leash. no fun at all! a dogs gotta roam!

ranger said...

can i come??? mom told me she may be nervous to let me off the leash since i am young...but oh! the smells those woods must have!!!
