My name is Lily. It has come to my attention that my so-called-brother, Max, has been defaming me in public utilizing this blog. As he is currently outside enjoying a nice evening, and I am being loyal to my mom by staying by her side, I'd like to set the record straight. I am not evil, stupid or fat. Clearly you can see by my picture that I am a intelligent, happy, FLUFFY girl. Sure I've been known to pull his tail, shred toilet paper, magazines and eat money, I feel that this is my inate right as a Samoyed who is denied the right to work as my breed was meant to do. The fact that I don't like snow, the outside or exercise is beside the point. Afterall, I was bred to provide warmth and clothing too...and I'm a great sleep buddy and shed as much as possible should my mistress choose to spin my fur into yarn and knit a nice sweater for the boys.
I've asked my sisters and new brother to provide me some backup.
Hi, I'm Evie. Everything that Lily says is true. Absolutely, course everything Max says is true. Now do you have any small furry creatures who need mothering?
Don't let her fool you, she is an idiot and not nearly as in charge as she thinks. I am older, wiser and cuter. - Starry
What? Was I supposed to say something? ahem.. Something. - Poo
Well Fanny refused to stop her cat hunt to comment, but I'm sure she would agree that I'm a wonderful girl. And I know that my Mom loves me!
Lily - The Princess of Quite A Lot