Thursday, October 26, 2006


Yesterday was WEDNESDAY!! Which means my human brothers went to their dad's house and we went to the woods for a walk!

I heard Mom talking to her friend Kathy on the tellie. They decided Mom should bring Harry. Harry is obnoxious, but so is Kathy's owner Stella the Mons-terrier. So they thought the two of them would have fun playing. Mom also brought Duncan, but left Starry at home (she was sooo upset).

Well Harry is 80lbs of baby muscle and he doesn't know how to walk on lead. He about yanked Mom's arms out of their sockets....I tried to help by nipping at him and barking orders. Do you know he actually ignored them? I don't care much for Harry. And get this neither does Stella! She was afraid of him after a few attempts at playing. He isn't mean, but he does throw his weight around a bit. Mom and Kathy did a lot of laughing.

Duncan has settled right in here. What is cool is that he smiles and wags his tail all the time now. He has taken my spot on the bed and I'm not really happy about it. But he never bothers me. I've only heard him fuss once and that was at Harry...go figure. Lily growls at him a lot. But Duncan has been such a good boy that Mom gives him freedom in the house while she is gone.

The Little Wookie is worrying Mom again though. I guess he is having poopies and their was even some blood in it. She says she might start him on pills.

I'll post some pictures later. - M-the-V


Anonymous said...

Oh dear. You'll have to keep an eye on Little Wookie for your Mom while she is gone. Hope he gets better soon.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Maxie,

Just replyin gto the comment you left on my blog - your mumma deserves to just lay around sometimes ! She is a saint - and I would even give up my spot on the lounge for her so she could be even more comfy :-)

Lots of love

PS - hope the L'il Wookie is gonna be okay.